Zelda – Time to Smell the Roses
“Alamak! That’s like the budak tuition (the boy from tuition)! Oh no!”
We don’t often come across married couples who work hand-in-hand on in a business together. Most of us would avoid working with our spouses for fear it will ruin the relationship. For instance, bringing conflict from home to work, unable to separate personal and professional life, getting bored of seeing each other, etc.
But not for this power couple behind Flower Frenzie, Azmir & Zelda. We sat down in an interview with them to ask them how it is they manage as not only business partners, but marriage as well. Just like any of us, Azmir & Zelda started off as two young college kids getting to know each other, who so happen to have met growing up in tuition classes. From there it bloomed to something more, and even beyond just a budding family.

They see each other every day, and yet they are never tired of each other?
When it’s business Azmir & Zelda will focus on business, if it’s non-working hours, their focus is there. It’s important to allocate your focus on what’s important at that moment. For instance, one of their fondest memory was a surprise concert from Azmir to his wife, Zelda where they got away from business & the family for a while. Their focus was to have fun and enjoy themselves instead of worrying about work.
“That’s why I say he’s my rock! Because he will think about it…”
Relationship, marriage, partnerships are all like a dance of 2 individuals, but when performed together, it’s the most beautiful performance in the eyes of the audience. Anything is possible when we have our hearts and minds in the right place. But, accompanied and a little encouragement from your life long partner, pushes both individuals to achieve greater.
More on Zelda

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